Do you suspect that your partner or spouse is being unfaithful? In the technological age, it has become much easier for partners to pick up on signs of cheating. However, the general pattern that identifies a potentially unfaithful spouse is still the best way to identify potential infidelity.
Typical signs of a spouse who has drifted into the arms of another include spending more time at work, reduction in sex drive, unusual business trips and defensiveness when challenged. A partner or spouse may also begin to show greater interest in personal grooming and appearance, or going to the gym.
Establishing Guilt
Even when there are telltale signs of a cheating partner, it isn’t a done deal. One or two indications are not enough to definitively prove that your partner or spouse is being unfaithful. It is normal for the dynamics of a relationship to shift as time passes. The real turning point is when you notice more than a few signs that something is not quite right.
Not many people will know your partner as well as you; especially in a well-established relationship. It is important to trust your gut when you suspect that a partner or spouse is lying. With that in mind, there are a number of common signs that a partner may be cheating. Humans are creatures of habit and we are more predictable than we realize. Changes in habits are a major red flag. If a partner is spending a large amount of time away from home and it is out of character, you may have a problem.
Technology can both aid a cheating partner and end up trapping him or her. Secret accounts on social media or other communication platforms should set off alarm bells. If you notice unexplained spending and your partner is defensive about explaining what the money was used for, you either have a partner with money problems or a cheater. Additional signs may include the smell of somebody else’s perfume on clothes, the classic “lipstick on your collar” or missed calls from an unknown number.
For peace-of-mind or to catch a cheating partner in the act, you may want to consider utilizing the services of an experienced investigative PI from Empire Pacific Investigative Services (EPIS). With the help of our team, you can put suspicions to rest or get to the truth and begin moving on with your life, depending on the outcome of our investigation.
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